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Subscribers to our E-News receive just the tip of the iceberg in accessing the full range of resources. Parents and Carers, Schools and Educators as well as Businesses receive substantial value by becoming a member, and VPC membership is very affordable. 

Go to Join Us to find out more about becoming an individual member, a School Partner or a Corporate Collaborator.

current e-news

E-News 2, 2024

Registrations for our RE-ENGAGING IN EDUCATION – FORUM are now open! Join us on Tuesday, August 6th, 2024, at 7 pm for our #VPCLive event. Our distinguished panel will discuss pathways and educational alternatives to support students with school attendance challenges, including School Refusal, School Can’t, and School Avoidance. These issues can cause anxiety, academic…
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E-News 1, 2024

In this E-News we welcome Katrina Gow, who is a qualified counsellor and psychotherapist. We appreciate her blog contributions on the following: How to parent with a Beginner Mind,Learn how to help an anxious teen, Are you stuck on a hamster wheel? The VPC “Family Engagement” Series with Tony Dalton, continues with Positive Relationships and…
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E-News 4, 2023

We are very excited that Evelyn M Field OAM, FAPS, author of “Harry the Bully Blocker goes to School”, will be our #VPCLive guest next week on Thursday 14 September 2023. School Refusal is a complex and nuanced topic that could also be called School Reluctance, School Phobia or School Can’t. Diana Daou writes about this in:[ Understanding School Refusal: A Deeper Look at the Australian…
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E-News 3, 2023

The team from the Home Education Network present “Teenagers, Home Education and Pathways” on Monday 28 August 2023. School bullying continues to be an issue parents regularly raise with us and 18 August 2023 is the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. Evelyn Field OAM will be live with us on Thursday 14 September…
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E-News 2, 2023

At the final stages of Term 2, we have a number of events and blogs to share, for all the VPC community. Our All About Music series continues with Good and Bad Music: is there such a thing? and Music in the early years. VCAA and the DE will present on The New Options for…
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E-News 1, 2023

The Lung Foundation Australia launches a New Vaping E Learning For Young People – read our blog on the rising issue of vaping. Many parents contact VPC asking about teachers and their qualifications. Liz Aloni from VIT has provided some useful information for parents on this matter in our blog. We also hear from the…
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past e-news

VPC E-News 1, 2024


VPC E-News 4, 2023

VPC E-News 3, 2023

VPC E-News 2, 2023

VPC E-News 1, 2023


VPC E-News 4, 2022

VPC E-News 3, 2022

VPC E-News 2, 2022

VPC E-News 1, 2022


VPC E-News 4, 2021

VPC E-News 3, 2021

VPC E-News 2, 2021

VPC E-News 1, 2021


VPC E-News 3, 2020

VPC E-News 2, 2020

VPC E-News 1, 2020


VPC E-News 5, 2019

VPC E-News 4, 2019   Promoting a healthy masculinity with Dr Simon Rice 

VPC E-News 3, 2019    

VPC E-News 2, 2019    Invitation to 2 evenings with Steve Biddulph

VPC E-News 1, 2019


VPC E-News 4, 2018

VPC E-News 3, 2018

VPC E-News Aug,2018  VPC Parent Engagement Day  with Dr Debbie Pushor

VPC E-News 2, 2018     Dr Michael Carr Gregg - What Parents need to know about Mental Health Issues for Young People

VPC E-News 1, 2018