VPC is a registered not for profit charity providing information, representation and a collective voice to those supporting children in education. VPC informs, encourages, empowering, supports and responds to the needs of all parents, current, past and future, including non-government school parents, in Victoria and beyond. VPC as nonprofit parents education association and organization strives to give parents the knowledge, empowering, resources and confidence to take an active role in their children's schooling and provides the vital link between parents, government, education authorities and the media.
Since 1959 VPC has helped parents, carers and educators to learn, grow and develop a sense of community. We welcome parents, educators and aligned businesses to become members of our vibrant online community.
Education is the key to so many doors for every child. As we grow from birth to adulthood, and even beyond, our schooling experience will determine to a large extent the pathways that are available for social, learning and career development. Yet that development takes many hands, many forms.
The saying is that it takes a village to raise a child. This is true now more than ever, yet we are often isolated as the nuclear family is less common, the generational support that was once common now less likely.
In today’s society, VPC helps to provide the village on and offline for all parents, educators, businesses and anyone who wants to help raise and educate our children.
Parents including carers, guardians grandparents. We welcome you to become part of our community, to learn and express, find resources and support from VPC.
We offer partnership and to all schools who want to educate and support their teachers, parents and students towards a happier schooling experience.
Educators, teachers, staff, support staff and the community. We support the learning journey of all who benefit from your mentoring. Join us as individual members.
working in partnership
VPC is a not for profit charity that provides vital education and collaboration opportunities online and in person to schools and businesses that wish to support parents and children through childhood and adult education. While VPC runs a small number of events every year in local Victorian schools, there are many projects that are being undertaken to widen the support community for parents and educators.
We have hosted many events over the past 60 years and provide an inclusive environment for all who want to promote health and well being through learning.
We welcome sponsors, members or collaborative partnerships as supporters of the following wider activities, and to provide suggestions for new projects.
current vpc projects include
60 Years of Education in Victoria - a VPC Retrospective
Exponentially growing our Vibrant Online Community
Regular Podcasts
Regular E-News
Membership Portal development
working in partnership
VPC is a not for profit charity that provides vital education and collaboration opportunities online and in person to schools and businesses that wish to support parents and children through childhood and adult education. While VPC runs a small number of events every year in local Victorian schools, there are many projects that are being undertaken to widen the support community for parents and educators.
We have hosted many events over the past 60 years and provide an inclusive environment for all who want to promote health and well being through learning.
We welcome sponsors, members or collaborative partnerships as supporters of the following wider activities, and to provide suggestions for new projects.
current vpc projects include
60 Years of Education in Victoria - a VPC Retrospective
Exponentially growing our Vibrant Online Community
Regular Podcasts
Regular E-News
Membership Portal development
We invite teachers, parents with children of all ages, early learning educators, school liaison officers, community engagement officers, retirees and anyone interested and/or working in the parent, school, community engagement space to our rich days of information and interaction.
Events will be listed below, or to be informed please join our email list or become a member. Past events have been hosted in many venues across Victoria featuring a wide range of subject matter experts.
We invite teachers, parents with children of all ages, early learning educators, school liaison officers, community engagement officers and anyone interested and / or working in the parent, school, community engagement space to our rich days of information and interaction.
Events will be listed below, or to be informed please join our email list or become a member. Past events have been hosted in many venues across Victoria featuring a wide range of subject matter experts.
vpc offers and training opportunities
This year, VPC is excited to offer a range of high quality training programs and resources to our membership and partner schools at exclusive discounted rates. For more information about how to take advantage of these offers, get in touch with us by using the contact form or emailing [email protected].
Parent Engagement Professional Development
Successful Learning Program
The Resillience Centre, Parenting Courses and Professional Development
The Hope Project
Every Chance to Dance
Parents and Schools Working Together, Professional Development
Authentic Parent Voice; Interactive Workshops and Presentations
vpc offers and training oppurtunities
This year, VPC is excited to offer a range of high quality training programs and resources to our membership and partner schools at exclusive discounted rates. For more information about how to take advantage of these offers, get in touch with us by using the contact form or emailing [email protected].
Parent Engagement Professional Development
Successful Learning Program
The Resillience Centre, Parenting Courses and Professional Development
The Hope Project
Every Chance to Dance
Parents and Schools Working Together, Professional Development
Authentic Parent Voice; Interactive Workshops and Presentations

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