VPC E-News August 2023
For more than 60 years now, VPC has worked tirelessly with Victorian school parents. That we are still here today is a testament to the hard work and support of parents, schools and parent associations across Victoria.
We are a not-for-profit, ACNC registered Charity Organisation and are driven by the commitment of a small group of volunteers.
You can be involved as a parent, guardian, school, teacher or business; we love to collaborate with all those who are passionate about supporting children through education, from babies through to adulthood and beyond.
If you would like to join, don’t hesitate to contact us at vicparentscouncil.vic.edu.au
Whether it’s once a week or once in a while, we welcome your involvement.

VPC is a registered charity dedicated to everyone
who support Parents in educating their children
Hello to all of our members and subscribers.
As always we have a lot to share with you in this VPC E-News.
Our VPC Live events continue to be popular with parents and families. For something different, and recognising more parents and families are choosing home based education for their children we are thrilled to have the team from the Home Education Network presenting on “Teenagers, Home Education and Pathways”., 7.30 pm AEST on Monday 28 August 2023. This will be an information packed session, with home education champions. If you are thinking about home education for one or more of your children then this VPC LIve will be a great place to start. VPC is eager to hear about your home education experiences so we are in a better position to support parents making this choice for their children and families. Our survey is still open here.<< >>
School bullying continues to be an issue parents regularly raise with us. You may remember last year we featured a blog from Evelyn Field OAM. Evelyn will be live with us at 7.30 pm AEST on Thursday 14 September 2023, addressing “Bully Blocking Skills for Parents”. This is a timely topic especially as 18 August 2023 is the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence.
The Victorian Mathematics Curriculum is changing. VPC will be working through the information kits and VCAA information sessions and providing more information to parents in future newsletters and social media posts.
The Commission for Children and Young People (CCYP) is one of our guest bloggers this term. Children have a right to feel safe and be safe. Organisations have a responsibility to protect children from harm. Find out about the commission’s work and what you can do to keep your child safe.
Liz Aloni, Stakeholder Engagement & Communications Manager, VIT has provided some useful information for parents on VIT’s regulatory obligations: investigating and resolving conduct matters. Read the blog from Liz here
The VPC is continuing the VPC “Family Engagement” Series with Tony Dalton, independent Family Engagement Consultant wrote for the following Blog, Engagement, what parents can look for in an enrolment inquiry
VPC is a volunteer non-profit charity organisation, and we are always looking for volunteers willing to share their talent.
Please consider an active role at the VPC, all are welcome.
Eveline Jona,
VPC President
Victorian Parents Council Inc
The Vibrant Parent Community Est.1959

#VPCLive; Teenagers, Home-Education and Pathways – Home Education Network
Monday 28 August 23 at 7.30pm

#VPCLive; Bully Blocking Skills for Parents – Evelyn Field OAM FAPS
Thursday 14 September 23 at 7.30pm
#VPCLIVE-On Demand Event: New Options for Years 10-12
#VPCLIVE-On Demand Event: Creating a Roadmap for VCE Exams -Dianna Daou
VCAA – Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority
NAPLAN 2023 – recent changes. The results for the 2023 tests were released in July, 2023.
Every child who participated in NAPLAN in 2023 will have received an Individual Student Report. Parents will have received these reports directly from their school.
These results will outline their performance on the four NAPLAN tests conducted during Term 1 of this year. If you still need some more information click here
Victorian Curriculum F–10 Mathematics Version 2.0 released (Mathematics Version 2.0) was released to schools on Friday 28 July. Mathematics Version 2.0 gives students the best opportunity to thrive in a world of increasing change and rapid technological advancement.
Parents can find out more about Mathematics Version 2.0 and the benefits to students on the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) website. For information on the Victorian Curriculum F–10 Mathematics Version 2.0, contact your schools or email the VCAA at [email protected]
VRQA – Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority
The VRQA has signed a new Memorandum of Understanding with the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria and published advice about home schooling and senior secondary certificates.
Parents of an apprentice or trainee can find out about VRQA’s new in-house authorised officers and compliance and enforcement framework for apprenticeships and traineeships
VIT – Victorian Institute of Teaching
If VIT receives a notification or complaint about a registered teacher, it must take action. Here is a summary of a regulatory decision made by VIT concerning a teacher who interacted with a student using inappropriate language.
Read here
CCYP – Commission for Children and Young People
Read Blog about the role of the Commission, including some useful information and links to key resources.
eSafety Commissioner
National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence virtual classroom
Australia’s leading bullying prevention initiative, National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence, is on Friday 18 August 2023. To support this event, eSafety is holding a virtual classroom for students in Years 3 to 6. Register your class for Be an eSafe kid: Take action against online bullying, and help your students to identify cyberbullying and know what to do if they’re bullied online
Reinventing Australian Schools – for the better wellbeing, health and learning of every child
How can schools best help children thrive? Can we reimagine beyond the limiting notion that the primary task of schools is academic achievement? A new discussion paper outlines five key principles for elevating health and wellbeing in Australian schools. We hope you will think and talk about this with us. – Royal Children’s Hospital MelbourneAccess the ‘Reinventing Australian Schools’ discussion paper – The Health, Wellbeing and Learning in Schools Project is a partnership of the Faculty of Education at Southern Cross University, the Centre for Community Child Health at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, and The Melbourne University Graduate School of Education.