VPC supports Macquarie University students in their understanding of home schooling and we encourage all to participate in the homeschooling survey. Our latest blogs include The Link Between Parent and Child Mental Health and the Child Safe Standards. Our VPC Live and VPC On Demand events continue with the Transition to VCE – Workshop hosted by Dianna Daou – DET update – Many Talents One VCE. From next year, VCE will include the VCE Vocational Major replacing VCAL which we explore in our on-demand event Understanding the Changes to VCE and VCAL.
VPC and Macquarie University students are looking at the increasing numbers of parents taking on the role of home schooling. As we have all had an insight into learning from home, we are keen to hear your views on homeschooling as well. Take the survey here Survey.
VPC blog updates – The Link Between Parent and Child Mental Health and the VRQA Blog – the Child Safe Standards
Our VPC Live and VPC On Demand events continue with the Transition to VCE – Workshop
hosted by Dianna Daou
DET updates – Many Talents. One VCE
From next year, the VCE will include the VCE Vocational Major replacing VCAL
In our on demand event Understanding the Changes to VCE and VCAL The Victorian Parents Council has partnered with the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority and the Department of Education and Training to help you understand what these changes mean for your child’s educational experience.
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