Commonly known as the ‘queen of common sense’, Maggie Dent has become one of Australia’s favourite parenting authors and educators. She has a particular interest in the early years, adolescence and resilience, and is an undisputed ‘boy champion’. Maggie’s experience includes teaching, counselling, and working in palliative care/funeral services and suicide prevention. Maggie is an advocate for the healthy, common-sense raising of children in order to strengthen families and communities. She is a passionate, positive voice for children of all ages.
Maggie is regularly featured on parenting blogs, podcasts and news sites, as well as being heard on commercial and ABC radio around the country including Nova 937. She also appears regularly on national TV. Maggie is the host of the ABC podcast Parental As Anything. She is the author of seven major books, including her bestselling 2018 book Mothering Our Boys and her 2020 release From Boys to Men. Maggie has also authored several smaller books and e-books, and is a prolific creator of resources for parents, adolescents, teachers, educators and others who are interested in quietly improving their lives.
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