The team from the Home Education Network present “Teenagers, Home Education and Pathways” on Monday 28 August 2023. School bullying continues to be an issue parents regularly raise with us and 18 August 2023 is the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. Evelyn Field OAM will be live with us on Thursday 14 September 2023, addressing “Bully Blocking Skills for Parents”. The Victorian Mathematics Curriculum is changing and we explore that. We have a large number of information updates from official bodies supporting education including the VCAA, VRQA, CCYP and the eSafety commissioner that are worth reading. The VPC continues the VPC “Family Engagement” Series with Tony Dalton, independent Family Engagement Consultant with his guest blog, Engagement, what parents can look for in an enrolment inquiry. Liz Aloni from VIT has provided some useful information for parents on VIT’s regulatory obligations: investigating and resolving conduct matters.
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