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E-News 2, 2024

Registrations for our RE-ENGAGING IN EDUCATION – FORUM are now open!

Join us on Tuesday, August 6th, 2024, at 7 pm for our #VPCLive event. Our distinguished panel will discuss pathways and educational alternatives to support students with school attendance challenges, including School Refusal, School Can’t, and School Avoidance. These issues can cause anxiety, academic setbacks, social isolation, and family stress, impacting children’s education, mental health and wellbeing.
Panel experts include:

Department of Education, A/Prof Glenn Melvin – Deakin University, A/Prof Lisa McKay-Brown – Melbourne University, Rob Mason – Virtual Schooling Victoria, Katrina Gow – Parent, Psychotherapist, Pavlina McMaster – Home Education Network Victoria, Tiffany Westphal – School Can’t Australia, Gabrielle Darlington – School Psychologist, Tony Dalton – Engagement Practitioner, Past Principal, Sarah Keating – Secondary School Educator, Ass. Principal.

The event will end with a Q&A session.

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