Posts by Blogs VPC
Understanding School Refusal: A Deeper Look at the Australian Senate’s Report
A note from the VPC: Throughout this article and the Senate’s report summarised below the issue at hand is referred to as “School Refusal”. The VPC would like to acknowledge that this term may not fairly represent the experience of some parents and students as in many cases students are unable to attend school, rather…
THE QUESTION OF A SCHOOL’S POSITION ON ENGAGING FAMILIES As parents embark on the journey of selecting the right school for their child, one crucial aspect often overlooked is the school’s commitment to family engagement. Research consistently shows that a strong partnership between families and schools contributes to improved student outcomes and overall well being.…
Read MoreVIT’s regulatory obligations: investigating and resolving conduct matters
The Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) is responsible for ensuring only qualified and suitable persons are registered to teach in a Victorian school or early childhood service. To provide for the safety and wellbeing of children and young people, the VIT assesses the information it gathers and receives about teachers’ conduct to help inform applications…
Read MoreCommission for Children and Young PeopleÂ
Children have a right to feel safe and be safe. Organisations have a responsibility to protect children from harm. About the Commission The Commission for Children and Young People (the Commission) promotes the safety, wellbeing, and rights of Victorian children and young people. We have a unique bird’s-eye view of the systems that work to…
Read MoreThe Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and its role in education in Victoria
The VRQA is Victoria’s education and training regulator. We are an independent statutory authority that works to assure the quality of education and training in Victoria. This includes the regulation of Victoria’s schools, school boarding premises, home schooling, international secondary student education, vocational education and training (VET), apprenticeships and traineeships. Every school and school boarding…
In the dynamic landscape of education, research consistently highlights the pivotal role of family engagement in a child’s learning journey. Much is made by both schools and families of the value of family engagement activities on the school site. Activities such as monitoring homework tasks, attending school and parent/ teacher meetings, social celebrations and…
Read MoreHomeschooling- what really happens?
What comes to mind when someone says homeschooling? Many people imagine something which looks like remote learning, with kids sitting at a desk, or online for hours each day. For this reason, many families prefer the term home education, as what we do is not schooling. Over the past few decades home education has become…
Read MoreNew Student Options for Years 10-12
Senior secondary education in Victoria is changing. There are new options, which mean that every student can choose a senior secondary education that supports their goals. There’s a new way for your child to complete the VCE: the VCE Vocational Major. The VCE Vocational Major is a 2-year applied learning program within the VCE. It…
Read MoreVIT regulatory decision: sexual misconduct
Have you ever thought about how the conduct of teachers could affect their registration? Here is an example to consider. Under the Education and Training Reform Act (2006) (the Act), the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) has the power to suspend the registration of a teacher on an interim basis in circumstances where VIT has formed a…
Read MoreRegulating the teaching profession during workforce shortages: Information for learners, parents, and community
The Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) is an independent statutory authority whose primary function is to regulate members of the teaching profession to ensure quality teaching, and provide for the safety and wellbeing of children. All teachers must be registered with VIT in order to undertake the duties of a teacher in a Victorian school or…
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